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Situation In Northern Chile / Situacion En El Norte De Chile

Recent News

NSF Funds New Opportunity for Undergraduate Students

AUI and UNC-Chapel Hill are currently seeking undergraduate students to contribute to cutting-edge research in astronomy education. This paid opportunity, open to education and STEM majors, explores the impacts of new curriculum centered on the use of robotic telescopes.

Stellar Explosions and Cosmic Chemistry

Astronomers have discovered the secrets of a starburst galaxy producing new stars at a rate much faster than our Milk Way. This research revealed many different molecules, more than ever seen before in a galaxy like this.

Situation In Northern Chile / Situacion En El Norte De Chile

AUI would like to express its deep concern and sympathy for the families affected by the storms and landslides in northern Chile over the past days. Our thoughts go to the people who have lost loved ones or suffered material losses.

The ALMA Observatory received substantial snowfall, but all its staff is well and its infrastructure and equipment are unharmed. Normal operations should resume shortly.

Many ALMA employees reside or have relatives in the II, III and IV regions. We understand that their families are safe. Some staff members have experienced delays travelling back home at the end of their shifts; we hope that they are able to join their families soon.


AUI quiere manifestar su consternación y gran preocupación por las familias afectadas a raíz de los temporales y aluviones que han ocurrido en el norte del país en días recientes. Acompañamos a aquellas personas que han perdido seres queridos o sufrido pérdidas materiales.

Hubo intensas nevadas en el Observatorio ALMA, pero afortunadamente todos sus trabajadores se encuentran bien, y su infraestructura y equipos no han sufrido daños. Se espera una normalización de las operaciones a la brevedad.

Muchos trabajadores de ALMA viven o tienen parientes en las regiones II, III o IV; entendemos que sus familiares se encuentran a salvo. Sin embargo, algunos trabajadores han tenido retrasos para volver a sus hogares. Esperamos que se puedan reunir con sus familias prontamente.

Recent News

ASTRO ACCEL Announces Inaugural Cohort of Early Career Researchers

ASTRO ACCEL brings together researchers and practitioners in the domains of astronomy education, engagement, communication and culture to connect stakeholders and advance these areas of research, proudly unveils its inaugural cohort of eight early career researchers.

NSF Funds New Opportunity for Undergraduate Students

AUI and UNC-Chapel Hill are currently seeking undergraduate students to contribute to cutting-edge research in astronomy education. This paid opportunity, open to education and STEM majors, explores the impacts of new curriculum centered on the use of robotic telescopes.

Stellar Explosions and Cosmic Chemistry

Astronomers have discovered the secrets of a starburst galaxy producing new stars at a rate much faster than our Milk Way. This research revealed many different molecules, more than ever seen before in a galaxy like this.