We Make Scientific Breakthroughs Possible

The Infrastructure of Discovery Doesn’t Happen Overnight — We Can Help

We transform ideas into technologies, laboratories and policies that initiate, inform and inspire. For over seven decades, AUI has developed specialized expertise in science, engineering, technology and cyber security to enable greater impact. Uniquely positioned, we combine exceptional operations management with collaborative community engagement, drive innovation and affect lasting change within organizations.

Experts at Managing Complexity

We create an environment where innovation, imagination and people thrive. Even in the harshest desert terrain, discovery flourishes at ALMA, where AUI has led an international partnership with Europe, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Chile. The $1.4 billion project is a monumental achievement for space exploration and collaborations.

Recent News

ASTRO ACCEL Announces Inaugural Cohort of Early Career Researchers

ASTRO ACCEL Announces Inaugural Cohort of Early Career Researchers

ASTRO ACCEL brings together researchers and practitioners in the domains of astronomy education, engagement, communication and culture to connect stakeholders and advance these areas of research, proudly unveils its inaugural cohort of eight early career researchers.

NSF Funds New Opportunity for Undergraduate Students

NSF Funds New Opportunity for Undergraduate Students

AUI and UNC-Chapel Hill are currently seeking undergraduate students to contribute to cutting-edge research in astronomy education. This paid opportunity, open to education and STEM majors, explores the impacts of new curriculum centered on the use of robotic telescopes.

Stellar Explosions and Cosmic Chemistry

Stellar Explosions and Cosmic Chemistry

Astronomers have discovered the secrets of a starburst galaxy producing new stars at a rate much faster than our Milk Way. This research revealed many different molecules, more than ever seen before in a galaxy like this.